Pan African Association of Adventist Universities and Colleges
Partnering for excellence in Adventist higher education.
Our Objectives
To advance the mission and quality of SDA higher education within Africa.
To harmonize priorities for policy formulation and standardization among our PAUC member institutions.
To promote a shared commitment and leverage shared resources for advancing administrative, Faculty and staff development and training.
To improve collegiality and networking among all Our institutions with both formal MOUs and Informal partnership.
To improve strategic visioning for 21st Century SDA education with a commitment to advancing Shared online and distance learning offerings.
To actively collaborate in such areas as e-learning. Resources and other relevant educational technologies and helpful benchmarking practices.
To promote a shared scholarship/research agenda That enhances research capacity of both small and Larger institutions.
To receive and administer gifts, monies and/or Property to be devoted to the purposes of PAUC and the advancement of other Adventist higher education indicatives.
Our Services
Network Hubs
To improve strategic visioning for 21st Century SDA education with a commitment to advancing Shared online and distance learning offerings.
Research Partnership
Research and scholarships are key aspects of quality higher education. As such PAUC links experts from its various institutions to partner on drafting research proposals, doing shared projects, seeking donor support for faculty research.
Lunch & Learn
Lunch and learn is a training opportunity provided by PAUC for leaders and faculty from member institutions. Leveraging the talent of leading; exploring lunch hours seminars as instrumental in improving Adventist higher education in Africa.